Friday, April 18, 2008

consumer woes

Well. I won't bore you with all the details leading to my being asked to call GE about a 5 year ESP I purchaed through HHGREGG on my Mitsubishi WD65732 DLP HDTV. But let me set the scene. Wednesday evening ( April 16th 2008 ) the "lamp" on my WD65732 went out. No problem its a DLP with a replaceable "lamp". I have a second DLP with no ESP coverage and when the "lamp" went out I went on to Mitsubishi's web site and had one air mailed to me in two days. Replaced it myself and the DLP TV is working perfecly. In this case due to buying the $400 ESP I needed to call HHGREGG and find out my options under the ESP policy. After four phone calls I finally talked to a person and was told I needed to have service tech make an appointment to come to my home and find out my problem. Ok. I am not overly pleased with that course but its the policy. So I am told Radio&TV Repair will call in 24 hours. If not I am given a number to reach them. After 30 hours I call the number repeatedly. No answer , no call back. I call HHGREGG service yet again. Am told I can just call Mitsubishi directly and GE will pay to have a new "lamp "sent out to me I am given a GE confirmation number to assist me in this by the HHGREGG rep. I call Mitsubishi. No. Never heard of this and they will need HHGREGG to call to authourize I replacement "lamp" be sent to me. Call HHGREGG back. No. They can't have Mitsubishi send me a replacement "lamp".. I am told to call GE and given a number to call GE. I call GE. Try to explain my plight. I refer to "lamp" as "bulb", GE rep starts raising her voice in an extremely insulting manner and informs me GE ESP does NOT COVER BULB REPLACEMENT , ONLY LAMP. I ask if bulb and lamp are one in the same. And before the words finish leaving my mouth she informs me of my stupidity and asks if I want to schedule a service call because the "lamp" can not be replaced by the consumer and must have a service tech examine the TV first. Her tone was that of a parent scolding a child. To my GREAT misfortune I did not catch her name although it sounded like Aleesha or some such as she was talking fast and the room behind her was noisy. I am filled with many emotions of my experience. I went in person to HHGREGG and had a very good heart to heart with the Store Manager. He tried to help in making calls as I sat next to him and listened to no avail. As of right now even though I have a non working ESP I paid $400 for I just called Mitsubishi and ordered my own replacement "LAMP" , God forbid I misspeak and say "BULB" by mistake. So in closing. I was riobbed of $400 by various factions including your own company GE. Was belittled by a rep. Lied to by HHGREGG reps. And had a most unpleasent experience. Can you imagine this consumer by the name of "KURT HARRIS" EVER buying an ESP or a GE product or walking into an HHGREGG again??? Did not think so. In fact my friends , family and various blogs will certainly enjoy my tale of woe and lost trust.Kurt Harris